dijous, 9 de juny del 2011

Healthy eating



We are going to learn about the importance of choosing the correct food and physical activity in order to keep healthy.

  • 1.-Vocabulary:
to miss-trobar a faltar
junk food-"comida basura"
diary food-menjar de cada día

  • 2.-Watch the video in which Rosie introduces her friends and answer the questions.
  • 3.- Tony is very disappointed. Why? Becose he's not admeted i nthe school football team.
What's his problem and how can he solve it?
He neet's more exercice and eat properly

We are going to help Tony to eat properly, ok?
  • 4.- Go to Food and Fuel and find out where the body gets its fuel from.
The body get's the fuel from the nutrients.

  • 5.- Now that you know where the fuel comes from, draw a food pyramid in which we can distinguish the five food groups and the correct proportions we should eat.
You can find information in this link: Food facts

Find the Nutrients
  • 6.- Find the nutrients in each of the food groups and write them next to the pyramid.

Fuel box:
Protein: fish, eggs, meet
Carbohy y drates: pasta, bread, cereals, potatoe
Fats: butter, cake, chocolate
Vitamins and minerals: carrot, tomatoe, letchuse, bananas, grapes
Calcium: yogurt, milk cheese


1. Can you find a healthy recipe?

Strawberry jam


Preparation method

  1. The day before you wish to make the jam, hull and halve the strawberries. Check for soft spots (which must be removed) and discard any berries with bruises or that are overripe.
  2. Place the strawberries into a large bowl with 500g/18oz of the sugar. Turn carefully to mix and coat well, then cover with cling film and place into the fridge overnight.
  3. The next day, place a saucer into the freezer to chill - you'll need this when you come to test the setting point of the jam.
  4. Sterilise the jam jars - first wash the jars in soapy water and rinse in clean warm water. Allow them to drip-dry, upside down, on a rack in the oven set to 140C/275F/Gas 1. Leave them there for at least half an hour while you make the jam.
  5. Pour the strawberries, their juice and any residual sugary juices into a very large pan or preserving pan, remembering that the mixture will rise as it boils, and add the remaining 500g/18oz sugar and the lemon juice.
  6. Stir over a gentle heat until the sugar has completely dissolved.
  7. Bring the strawberries up to the boil then boil hard until the jam reaches setting point. Check the setting point every ten minutes, although it may take up to half an hour to reach setting point.
  8. To test the setting point, remove the pan from the heat. Take your saucer from the freezer and place a drop of jam onto the cold plate. After a few seconds push the jam with your finger.
  9. If the jam surface wrinkles then it has reached setting point and is ready. If it slides about as a liquid, then it hasn't reached setting point and should be returned to the heat and boiled for a few more minutes before testing again.
  10. When setting point has been reached, turn off the heat. Stir in the butter and skim off any scum on the surface of the jam with a large spoon.
  11. Let the jam cool and thicken in the pan for ten minutes, so that the strawberries don't all sink to the bottom in the jam jars.
  12. Carefully remove the sterilized jars from the oven with oven gloves - try to avoid touching the insides of the jars with the oven gloves, which might introduce unwelcome bacteria.
  13. Stir the jam, then ladle it into the sterilized jars. Use a jam funnel, if you have one, to avoid spilling too much jam.
  14. Cover the top surface of the jam in each jar with waxed paper discs that have been cut to size - they should cover the entire surface of the jam. Press the wax disc down to create a complete seal.
  15. Cover with a lid while still hot, label and store in a cool, dark cupboard for up to a year.

2. What are the 10 tips to keep you fit and healthy?
1Start your day with breakfast
2Get Moving
3Snack smart.
4Work up a sweat.
5Balance your food choices — don’t eat too much of any one thing.
6Get fit with friends or family.
7Eat more grains, fruits
 and vegetables.
8Join in physical activities at school.
9Foods aren’t good or bad.
10Make healthy eating and physical activities fun!

dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011


I didn't use a power point.
I spent 1:16 minutes.

I didn't look at the audience and I didn't move because I sat on one chair.
I read.

I organized my ideas in order and asked questions to hold the attention of the audience.

The information was correct and detailed.

The grammar was correct and varied.
The vocabulary was rich , I didn't repeat words, I used the dictionary.

I pronounced all the words properly, I used the dictionary.
I was fluent, I didn't speack with breaks or interruptions


What have you done well? The phonetics and the language.
What do you need to improve? The body language.

dimarts, 31 de maig del 2011

King Arthur(repàs).

INTRUDUCCIÓ(repàs de l'examen d'anglès).

-Arthur: No, King Arthur was not only a legend. In the ninth century, a historian called Nennius wrote a book called Historia Britonum. ( pàg 4-5)
No, el Rei Arturo no era més que una llegenda. Al segle IX, un historiador anomenat Nennius va escriure un llibre anomenat Història Britonum.

There are 5 places:
Glastonbury-Were Arthur was buried.
Cadbury Castle-Camelot
Cintagel- Arthur was born here
Dozmary Pool- The lake where Arthur found Excalibur.
Winchester- This is where the famous Round Table is.

Són cinc llocs:
Glastonbury-Es Arthur va ser enterrat.
Castell de Cadbury-Camelot
Cintagel-Arthur va néixer aquí
Dozmary Pool-El llac on es troben Arturo Excalibur.
Winchester-Aquí és on la famosa Taula Rodona és.

Before Arthur’s Time
The first inhabitants of Britain were probable the Celts. The Roman general, Julios Ceasar, invaded Britin in the year 54 BC.

Abans de l'època d'Arturo:
Els primers habitants de la Gran Bretanya eren probables els celtes. El general romà, Juliols César, va envadir Britània avans de Crist.

The Romans left Britain in 410 AD.
Els romans van deixar la Gran Bretanya l'any 410 dC

Chapter one

1Young Arthur.
In the year 493, Uther Pendragon became King of Britain.

A l’any 493, l’Uther Pendragon es va convertir amb el rei de Britània

Merlin was also a magician.

En Merin era un mag.

Chapter two

2The sword in the Stone.

Each nobleman tried to pull the sword out of the stone
Cada noble va tractar de treure l'espasa de la pedra

Sir Ector said, I’m not your real father.
El senyor Ector no es el veritable pare de l’Arthur.

Chapter three

3Britain was a King

He lived at Camelot.
Va viure a Camelot.

Chapter four


Arthur rode away with Merlin and said, I broke my sword during the fight with Sir Pellinore.
Arthur es va allunyar amb Merlín i li va dir, em vaig trencar l'espasa en la lluita amb el Senyor Pellinore.

Chapter five

5Arthur meets Guinevere
King Leodegrance was very thankful to Arthur.
Arthur compleix Ginebra
Rei Leodegrance estava molt agraïd al rei Arthur.

Chapter six
The five kings

King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were very happy together.
The people loved their beautiful queen.

El rei Arthur i la reina Guinevere estaven molt feliços junts.
La gent estimava a la seva reina bonica.
Chapter seven
One of the kinghts of the Round Table was Lancelot
Un dels cavallers que hi havia a la taula rodona era en Lancelot.

dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011

The British Royal Wedding

Hello, today Julia and me we're going to talk about the british royal wedding.

First: I'm talking about the Queen.

SECOND: Júlia is talking about the William and Kate.

FINALLY: Júlia is compare with the Spanish royal family.


The most important person is the Quee, now she is very old, but she has ruled for many years. The Queen has 4 children.


William and Kate were boyfriends for 8 years.

They was married on April 29th, 2011.


The British Royal family:

means house of Windsor, and they are direct relatives of the monarch in the UK. They are known by the name of Royal Family

The Spanish Royal Family:

The Royal House of Spain means house of Bourbons. The most important person of the family is the king, who is younger than the Queen of the Royal family of Britain. The King has 3 children.


dilluns, 23 de maig del 2011


Today I read the megazine and I do the activities in the notebook.


1.- What is a l'egend? A legend is a story written or oral, looking more or less historical, with greater or lesser proportion of imaginary or mythologicial elements.
2.- It was only the legend of King Arthur?
3.- What is a gentleman? Riding horse
4.- Choose a character: Merlin, Lancelot, Lady Geneva...and describe youself to add a photo
Who are you? I am a gentleman, strong, breve....
They wear? wearing a vest with 2 behindths sword
Where are you? I am outdoors
What are you doing? I'm struggling
I am a gentleman, knigh Lancelot I say.
I am a strong and courageous knight. Usually mounted horse, and when I fight I put a vest an two last sword. Whenever I fight, I fight outdoors. Now I'm struggling.

dimarts, 17 de maig del 2011


workbook: units 7-9+ grammar practice 7-9